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潘海洋 讲师 硕导

电 话:18941178500

2016.09~2019.06,山东大学,结构工程,硕士,导师 田利教授;
2019.09~2023.09,大连理工大学,结构工程,博士,导师 李宏男教授;
桥梁抗震韧性与减隔震研究; 近海工程结构防灾减灾研究; 高耸结构抗震与减振控制研究。
[1] Pan haiyang, Li Chao, Li Hongnan, Ma Ruisheng, Guo Jin. Impact of local site conditions on seismic performance of free-spanning submarine pipelines: Underwater shaking table tests and numerical simulations. Earthquake Engineering And Structural Dynamics, 2024, 53: 4223-4247.
[2] Pan haiyang, Li Chao, Li Hongnan, Ma Ruisheng. A novel casing-pipe type TMD for seismic control of free-spanning submarine pipelines: Shaking table tests and numerical simulations. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 118974.
[3] Pan haiyang, Li Hongnan, Li Chao. Seismic fragility analysis of free-spanning submarine pipelines incorporating soil spatial variability in soil-pipe interaction and offshore motion propagation. Engineering Structures, 2023, 280: 115639.
[4] Pan haiyang, Li Hongnan, Li Chao, Tian Li. Probabilistic seismic responses and failure analyses of free-spanning subsea pipelines under offshore spatial earthquake motions. Thin-walled Structures, 2022, 179: 109566.
[5] Pan haiyang, Li Hongnan, Li Chao. Seismic behaviors of free-spanning submarine pipelines subjected to multi-support earthquake motions within offshore sites. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 237, 109606.
[6] Pan haiyang, Li Chao, Tian Li. Seismic fragility analysis of transmission tower sconsidering effects of soil-structure interaction and depth-varying ground motion inputs. Bulletin ofEarthquake Engineering, 2021,19(11): 4311-4337.
[7] Pan haiyang, Tian Li, Fu Xing, Li Hongnan. Sensitivities of the seismic response and fragility estimate of a transmission tower to structural and ground motion uncertainties. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 167, 105941.
[8] Pan haiyang, Li Chao, Tian Li. Seismic response and failure analyses of pile-supported transmission towers on layered ground. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2020, 76(2), 223-237.
[9] Pan haiyang, Li Hongnan, Li Chao, Tian Li. Parametric study on seismic behaviors of a buried pipeline subjected to underground spatially correlated earthquake motions. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 26 (12), 6329-6351.
[10] Li Chao, Pan haiyang(通讯作者), Tian Li, Bi Wenzhe. Lifetime multi-hazard fragility analysis of transmission towers under earthquake and wind considering wind-induced fatigue effect. Structural Safety, 2022, 99, 102266.
[11] Li Chao, Diao Yucheng Li Hongnan, Pan haiyang(通讯作者) et al. Seismic performance assessment of a sea-crossing cable-stayed bridge system considering soil spatial variability. Reliability Engineering &System Safety, 2023, 235: 109210.
[12] Li C, Pan haiyang(通讯作者), Tian Li. Seismic performance analyses of pile-supported transmission tower-line systems subjected to depth-varying spatial ground motions. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2022.2113000.
[13] Tian Li, Dong Xu, Pan haiyang(通讯作者) et al. Critical seismic incidence angle of transmission tower based on shaking table tests. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2020, 76 (2), 251-267.
[14] Tian Li, Dong Xu, Pan haiyang(通讯作者) et al. The critical angle of seismic incidence of transmission tower -line system based on wavelet energy method. Earthquakes and Structures, 2019, 17 (4), 387-398.
[15] Li Chao, Diao Yucheng, Li, Rouhan; Pan haiyang(通讯作者) et al. Effect of soil spatial variability on characteristics of depth-varying multi-support seismic motions at offshore sites. Soil dynamic and Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 174:108195.
[16] Tian Li, Pan haiyang, Ma Ruisheng. Probabilistic seismic demand model and fragility analysis of transmission tower subjected to near-field ground motions. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2019, 156: 266-275.
[17] Tian Li, Pan haiyang, Ma Ruisheng et al. Full-scale test and numerical failure analysis of a latticed steel tubular transmission tower. Engineering Structures, 2020, 208:109919.
[18] Tian Li, Pan haiyang, Ma Ruisheng et al. Seismic failure analysis and safety assessment of an extremely long-span transmission tower-line system. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2019, 71 (3): 305-315.
[19] Tian Li, Pan haiyang, Ma Ruisheng et al. Collapse simulations of a long span transmission tower-line system subjected to near-fault ground motions. Earthquakes and Structures, 2017, 13 (2): 211-220.
[20] Tian Li, Pan haiyang, Ma Ruisheng et al. Wind-induced collapse analysis of long-span transmission tower–line system considering the member buckling effect. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2018, 22 (1): 30-41.
[21] 袁光英, 潘海洋,马瑞升,田利.考虑不同地震输入方向的输电塔-线体系连续性倒塌研究.地震工程学报, 2020, 42(4):840-846.
[22] 袁光英, 潘海洋,马瑞升,田利. 多维地震下考虑不同破坏准则的输电塔-线体系倒塌分析. 世界地震工程, 2019, 35(1):184-192.
[23] 潘海洋; 李超; 田利, 一种考虑风致疲劳效应的输电塔结构全寿命抗多灾性能评估方法, 2024年,ZL 202111562201.7.
[24] 田利; 潘海洋等, 控制水平和扭转方向的电涡流耗能减振装置,2017年,中国发明专利,201711166846.2.
[25] 田利; 潘海洋, 马瑞升,杆塔结构倒塌破坏分析程序V1.0,2018年,中国软件著作权,2018SR813069.
[26] 田利; 马瑞升, 潘海洋,塔桅结构连续性倒塌模拟程序V1.0,2018年,中国软件著作权,2018SR807942.
2025.01-2027.12 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,No.52408552,在研,主持。
2024.08-2026.07 海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室开放基金,No.LP2418,在研,主持。
2024.01-2025.12 太阳集团1088vip太阳集团1088vip自主科研课题,No.TMXN2305,在研,主持。
2025.01-2027.12 河北省教育厅青年拔尖人才项目,No.BJ2025024,在研,主持。
[1] 2023年度“刘恢先地震工程奖学金”(Liu Huixian Earthquake Engineering Scholarship Award);
[2] 大连理工大学2021-2022学年林皋单项奖学金;
[3] 大连理工大学 2019-2020 学年优秀研究生;
[4] 大连理工大学 2020-2021 学年优秀研究生;
[5] 山东大学2017年优秀研究生;
[6] 山东大学2017年一等硕士生学业奖学金;
[7] 山东大学2018年优秀研究生;
[8] 山东大学2018年一等硕士生学业奖学金;